Microstructural evolution modeling of hot-worked nickel-based super-alloys
May 31st, 2015 marked the official conclusion of the activities of the research project "Modeling microstructural evolution of super-alloys based on nickel during hot working" funded by the POR CRO parte FESR 2007-2013 Asse 5 Linea di intervento 5.1 Azione 5.1.1 "Inter-regional cooperation".
RTM Breda was the leader of a temporary consortium that includes the company Hypersys Srl of Treviso and has collaborated for the completion of the project with the German company GMS Gesellschaft für Metallurgische Systeme mbH based in Bernau near Berlin. The project was coordinated by Dr. Andrea Corsi.
The activities have led to the development of user-subroutines written in Fortran representing the customization of the finite element software used for the study of hot working of metal materials. Such customization allows to predict, at least in some circumstances, the microstructural evolution of metal alloys as a result of these hot working operations that they undergo.
![Regione Veneto_2.jpg](http://www.rtmbreda.com/public/img_mngr/Regione Veneto_2.jpg)