Modeling microstructural evolution of super-alloys based on nickel during hot working
The first semester of the activities of the project "Modeling microstructural evolution of super-alloys based on nickel during hot working", partly funded by POR CRO parte FESR 2007-2013 Asse 5 Linea di intervento 5.1 Azione 5.1.1 “Cooperazione interregionale”. Bando “Contributi per il finanziamento di progetti di ricerca industriale e sviluppo sperimentale, a carattere interregionale”, is coming to an end.
The activities have focused so far on the analysis of the state of the art in modeling microstructural evolution of materials used in the aerospace sector during forging and radial-axial rolling and on the initial stages of implementation of a mathematical model used to predict the microstructural evolution within the finite element software used for the study of these hot working operations.